How to get windows 11 updates on your computer?

We all know that Microsoft is going to launch their new product Windows 11 in the market. For quite some time now, Everyone has been talking about this in the net world. There is no end to the discussion about whether there is a new requirement or whether there are new requirements in the new version. I’m not going to talk about that today either. Get windows 11 updates on your computer.

today my topic of discussion is how you can install windows 11 on your computer or upgrade from windows 10 to 11.

How to get windows 11 updates on your computer?

I have divided it into two parts.

The first is that if you have a windows 10 genuine key activated, you can use or install the preview build of Windows 11.

However, there are some requirements for Windows. That should have TWP enabled from your BIOS. After enabling, you can see a setting called Windows Insider Program when you go to the Windows 10 update setting.

After coming to this setting, you will see if your PC has met the minimum requirement of installing Windows 11. If it looks like you’re ready to install Windows 11, you’ll press the Get Started button below and move forward. After this, you will be asked to register and you will just say yes, yes and after a while, you will see that the update will start taking the download.

after the diameter, finish waiting for the download and install it. you have installed windows 11.

although there are many bugs in it, so install on your own responsibility.

now, for those who do not use windows genuine keys, how to update them. you won’t actually get auto-updates. we Bangladeshis who basically do not activate windows with auto-activation or fake keys will have to install normally the way you install windows.

you need to take down the iso file of Windows 11 first. after this, it has to be bootable with a pen drive or with this type of software. after this, if you install it according to the normal windows setup, you will reach the windows 11 that you desire.

in doing this, many people will face a lot of problems again. for example, this windows 11 will not run on your pc, due to this problem. there is also a way to solve this problem. I’m going to talk about that in this post.

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