Photography wallpaper free website template to download from our website free website code. This website has a navbar, header, toggle menu pop-up for mobile, image responsive gallery portfolio, booking, blog, and login system. All feature image hover has a nice effect added which makes it eye-catching for the viewer. Photography Website Template Design – 100% Free Source Code
This photography website template has home, about, portfolio, booking, blog, login, and contact pages. In home page has the Our Nature Responsive Photography template title with a free download button background images have also been added which makes the website wonderful. On the Righ top corner have a menu toggle icon that clicks to popup show from the right side menus list.
Responsive Header / Navbar with toggle menu bar effect.
Responsive home section using flexbox.
Responsive specialty section with hover effects using flexbox.
Responsive popular product card section using flexbox.
Responsive image gallery with hover effect section using flexbox.
Responsive steps section using flexbox.
Responsive review card section using flexbox.
Responsive order contact form section using flexbox.
Responsive footer section.
Loading animation with fade-out effect using JavaScript.
Scroll to the top button using JavaScript.
Click on the popup window if any images.
Photography Website Template Design – 100% Free Source Code – FreeWebsiteCode
Mobile Responsiveness checked on Samsung S20 Ultra:

Next, the Bio section has a photographer’s profile image and talks about his photography passion and a learn more button to add to know more. This section has a portfolio section that has several photography photo galleries with nice hover effects. If someone clicks these particular images then open a popup window and show details and anyone can download some of the demo sizes available.
After that have an email submit form where visitors can submit their email to subscribe website’s official newsletter to get further updates about the website. The next section is Book My Schedule where customers can book a photography schedule by providing first name, last name, mobile, email, booking from date, exact time, booking till date, exact time and if any special request fields are available then a button Book my schedule help the full process of booking scheduling by submitting the full entered form. Under this section have contact info name click below to contact me by giving the date and time info and the website owner’s phone number is highlighted here by using the button icon which helps to make an instant call from the website.
Tablet Responsiveness Check:
The next part is the latest blog section which contains multiple articles with the image title and some first sentences. A minimum of four blog posts are displayed here. Next on the footer section some social media logos and copyright text are displayed in the center of the section.
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